
Student services and support programs



The Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy (STLAN)'s focus is on the collection, analysis and maintenance of data on Literacy and Numeracy achievement and the documentation of responses made to underachievement.  

STLANs provide support to school teams and individual teachers in identifying patterns of achievement and selecting intervention strategies at whole school, cohort and individual levels. 

Learning support is offered to students who are in need. Support may be offered individually or in small groups.  

Ipswich East State School is committed to identifying and supporting those students who struggle with the curriculum and have difficulty attaining the academic achievements of their peers.  

It is important to note that teachers at Ipswich East State School differentiate the curriculum in all classrooms to ensure students are supported and work is at an appropriate level to meet each student’s needs.  

Extension days and activities

Ipswich East State School students are given opportunities to participate in extension days and activities throughout the year such as Days of Excellence, Sporting Events and Workshop.

Last reviewed 06 March 2020
Last updated 06 March 2020