Ph: 0455 444 065
Welcome to the Ipswich East Out of School Hours (OSHC) program. This service offers a high quality accredited, affordable, and reliable service to the parents and children of Ipswich East State School.
We provide a stimulating and enriched program for children of all ages in a friendly, safe environment. We provide a range of activities, indoors and outdoors.
Our educators hold a range of qualifications related to the Education and Care of children in school-age settings and all hold Suitability Cards for Child-Related Employment issued by Blue Card Services.
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday
6:30am to 8:30am and 3:00pm to 6:00pm
We operate 6.30am to 6.00pm on all pupil free days and for our vacation care program that runs during all school holiday periods. The service is closed on all Public Holidays and for 2 weeks over the Christmas/New Year period.
Permanent booking BSC: $16.00 Casual booking ASC: $20.00
Casual Before School Care: $21.00 Casual After School Care: $25.00
Permanent booking is per term (10 Weeks)
Vacation Care $65.00 per child before CCS - This includes ALL meals. All incursions and excursions are an additional fee.